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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

not feeling so great, but still having a blast...

Well, we won Initial Drill!!! But it seems like almost everyday we make Senior mad in some way or another.
Went on the Slide for Life* today!! That was fun!!
I'm still sick with a cough, headache, stuffy nose, sore throat and I think I might be having chills(?). I certainly don't want all that trash up at Pendleton, so I'm going to medical tomorrow. Praying that I won't get bedrest or light duty.
Well, this being swim week, I'm sure you all want to know how I'm doing. I qualified CWS-3* so far. Am hoping I can get back into the pool tomorrow. I mean Thursday but we'll see.

* Requires recruits to climb a 30-foot diving tower and then, on their belly, crawl/slide head first down a 45-foot cable stretched across the length of a swimming pool. Half way down, a Drill Instructor orders him to hang by his hands and face the end of the pool. From there, the recruit kicks his legs up to catch the cable, and works his way feet first to the end. Many recruits lose their grip and fall into the pool.
* CWS - Combat Water Survival -- There are four level of Combat Water Survival. CWS-4, is the most basic. Very few pass CWS-1 during boot camp.

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