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Sunday, August 23, 2009

no brag, just fact...... =)

Just got a class from SDI GySgt Booker on shaving!! All the weird things we do
But anyways, got back from church about an hour ago and I was working on my range book, but there was a song at church I really liked, so I'll pass it on. I hope its title and artist are correct? It's Joel Houston, "Inside Out" or something like that.
Our PMI* is really cool. He's not strict and "demanding" like a Drill Instructor, but he knows his stuff and teaches well. He's been doing this for 6 years. We had a little grouping exercise on Wednesday to get our BZOs*. I was one of about 15 or so in the platoon to make a "3 grouper", which is shooting 15 rounds at 3 targets, 36 meters away, with the targets scaled down to simulate 300 yards. A "group" for this is 3" apart for each group. Then we took a test Friday morning and those who passed (all but 10-12) got to go shoot at the ISMIT (a computer simulation with full scale rifles shooting lasers). In this case, we were shooting 10 rounds from the sitting position in 60 seconds or less at a simulated range of 200 meters. I had the best group of the platoon. It would have fallen in a vertical rectangle about 1 foot high and 5 inches wide. SO, I'm looking forward to range this week!!!
Thursday afternoon we ran the PFT*. I got 106 crunches, 17 pull-ups and a 3 mile run time of 17:38, that being the best time in the company (which has 550 some recruits). So all I need is 3 more pull-ups and I get a perfect PFT!!!
Well, I think the only thing I haven't told you all about is the platoon itself. We started out with 88, dropped to 86 because of asthma and lost another because he broke his ankle. Then before we left for Camp Pendleton, we dropped 9 due to failed PFTs and "sick calls", which I was close to being one of those. Then they dropped my rackmate for supposed "mental issues", which was stupid; but I guess that's the way things work. Then that day (the day before we left for Pendleton), we picked up 3 recruits, one of whom is now my new rackmate and he's pretty cool. He's about 6" shorter than me, but built like a small tank. He's got a good attitude and he's a Christian, which is sweet. He's good to go!! Other than him, I've got several other friends around the platoon. But we still have those ZooHeads who mess things up and, of course, you get those everywhere you go, so I just "roll with the punches".
Tell everyone I love them and thanks for the prayers.

(editor's note: lyrics to song he mentioned)
From The Inside Out
Joel Houston

A thousand times I've failed still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again still I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, Lord my soul cries out “Lord”

* PMI - Primary Marksmanship Instructor
* BZO - Battle Sight Zero - sighting in their rifle
* PFT - Physical Fitness Test -- The test includes a timed three-mile run, pull-ups, and crunches timed for 2 minutes. 100 points max for each event totals to a perfect PFT of 300. To reach that goal, they need to have a run time of 18 minutes or less, 100 or more crunches within 2 minutes, and 20 or more pull-ups.

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