Use the Blog Archive section in the right sidebar to navigate the posts, if you need to catch up or read a post that was posted out of order, because we don't always receive the letters in order. ;-)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

a rare diversion and some chit-chat...

Things are still going pretty well here. I'm still sick, but not too awfully bad.
Yesterday evening all of India Company was taken to a little concert at the chapel here. There was also a couple speakers. The whole thing lasted about an hour and a half. It was put on by a ministry called The Armor of Light, which is part of one of the Calvary Chapels down this way. The band they had was called The Kry. They were purdy darned awesome. Apparently they have 10 albums out and the songs I heard were cool. They also played a slightly different version of Imagine, which sounded almost better than the original version!!
I keep forgetting to tell you all, but my contract PFC stuck!!! *
Apparently it's been really hot down here, but I haven't noticed it being all that hot out.
Currently our platoon is unbloused and buttoned up and to top that off, our guidon is rolled up* because we are too slow, too quiet, and too loud at the same time but that's what you get with a bunch of "young men".
Well, I think I just ran out of things to scribble down, so I'm just gonna say love you all and thanks for all the prayers.

* Caleb found out the day he left for boot camp that he might not get to keep his promotion because he did not have a high school diploma. The Marine Liaison Officer at the Seattle processing center let him keep it, but told him they might take it away during boot.

* These are all incorrect ways to wear their uniforms and their guidon is supposed to be unfurled. Some of the tools the Drill Instructors use to teach and motivate.

Friday, August 28, 2009

rifle qualifications, pneumonia, and food...

Well range is over no more "crazy" shooting but, oh well, still have Table 2*
Shot a 235*!! 2nd highest in the platoon, highest being 237. Got my Expert Badge on the spot by the PMI*!! and I was the 3rd highest Expert my coach had ever had!
Other than that my cold, or whatever I've got, is getting a little worse and I think my pneumonia is acting up a little; but I'm doing well.
Have an 8 mile hike tomorrow! That I've looking forward to and I'm definitely looking forward to field week!!
Food is still good, just wish they had better veggies Looking forward to eating more MREs!! hehe
Well, I think that's about all I've got for now. Thanks for all the prayers.

PS - I'm gonna have a "big" list of food for Family Day!!

* The "field fire" portion of rifle qualifications
* 250 is the maximum score for this portion of rifle qualifications
* PMI - Primary Marksmanship Instructor

Sunday, August 23, 2009

no brag, just fact...... =)

Just got a class from SDI GySgt Booker on shaving!! All the weird things we do
But anyways, got back from church about an hour ago and I was working on my range book, but there was a song at church I really liked, so I'll pass it on. I hope its title and artist are correct? It's Joel Houston, "Inside Out" or something like that.
Our PMI* is really cool. He's not strict and "demanding" like a Drill Instructor, but he knows his stuff and teaches well. He's been doing this for 6 years. We had a little grouping exercise on Wednesday to get our BZOs*. I was one of about 15 or so in the platoon to make a "3 grouper", which is shooting 15 rounds at 3 targets, 36 meters away, with the targets scaled down to simulate 300 yards. A "group" for this is 3" apart for each group. Then we took a test Friday morning and those who passed (all but 10-12) got to go shoot at the ISMIT (a computer simulation with full scale rifles shooting lasers). In this case, we were shooting 10 rounds from the sitting position in 60 seconds or less at a simulated range of 200 meters. I had the best group of the platoon. It would have fallen in a vertical rectangle about 1 foot high and 5 inches wide. SO, I'm looking forward to range this week!!!
Thursday afternoon we ran the PFT*. I got 106 crunches, 17 pull-ups and a 3 mile run time of 17:38, that being the best time in the company (which has 550 some recruits). So all I need is 3 more pull-ups and I get a perfect PFT!!!
Well, I think the only thing I haven't told you all about is the platoon itself. We started out with 88, dropped to 86 because of asthma and lost another because he broke his ankle. Then before we left for Camp Pendleton, we dropped 9 due to failed PFTs and "sick calls", which I was close to being one of those. Then they dropped my rackmate for supposed "mental issues", which was stupid; but I guess that's the way things work. Then that day (the day before we left for Pendleton), we picked up 3 recruits, one of whom is now my new rackmate and he's pretty cool. He's about 6" shorter than me, but built like a small tank. He's got a good attitude and he's a Christian, which is sweet. He's good to go!! Other than him, I've got several other friends around the platoon. But we still have those ZooHeads who mess things up and, of course, you get those everywhere you go, so I just "roll with the punches".
Tell everyone I love them and thanks for the prayers.

(editor's note: lyrics to song he mentioned)
From The Inside Out
Joel Houston

A thousand times I've failed still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again still I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart and my soul I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise
From the inside out, Lord my soul cries out “Lord”

* PMI - Primary Marksmanship Instructor
* BZO - Battle Sight Zero - sighting in their rifle
* PFT - Physical Fitness Test -- The test includes a timed three-mile run, pull-ups, and crunches timed for 2 minutes. 100 points max for each event totals to a perfect PFT of 300. To reach that goal, they need to have a run time of 18 minutes or less, 100 or more crunches within 2 minutes, and 20 or more pull-ups.

part of a letter to a friend...

Chow is good!! Of course I'm eating my veggies!
Our Drill Instructors are cool. There are times when they are mean and nasty like they are supposed to be, then there are times when they are the coolest people in the world just talking and answering questions.
Weather is nice and warm... my new rackmate is really cool. He got dropped from his original company 3 weeks to our company, cause of pneumonia, but he's sensible (meaning he's not stupid ) and he's a Christian!!
Well, so far PT hasn't been too bad, haven't been IT'd too much. I have the best run time in the company and the best shot groups in the platoon. So I'm doing well, looking forward to rifle range and definitely looking forward to graduation!!!

P.S. I highly recommend brownies/chocolate cake with peanut butter on top :) yum yum!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

and the verdict from medical is....

Hello Everyone!!!
I'm kinda in a hurry now, but I thought I'd write.
I went to medical and got bed rest (with bronchitis, so they said) and a follow-up the next day, which started getting me worried because if you are light-duty or bed rest you can't go up north*. After the follow-up I was put on light-duty and was feeling much better. Headache was gone, sore throat was much better, cough was better!! So, I went to medical today praying that I wouldn't stay on light-duty

cont. on 8-15
and wouldn't you know it, I got full duty!! Big answer to prayer there! I was also diagnosed with early stages of pneumonia; but even with that, here I am at Edson Range writing this letter.
It's fun to see some of the things I've seen here before, like the main gate I've driven through many times or the main part of Pendleton; but the best part is all the helicopters!!!*
One kinda odd thing about this place is between the sand, trees, and all the little scrub brushes, it's all very beautiful. At least to my eyes.
Here there is only one hatch to the chow hall, as opposed to four at MCRD. There is slightly less chow, but the lines move faster and the food is still good and they have apple-raspberry juice!! (That stuff is yummy)
Other than that, ain't much new here, so love you all and thanks for all the prayers.

* Training weeks 5, 6, and 7 they travel up north to Camp Pendleton for rifle/shooting training/qualifications and field maneuver training
* One of the Marine Corps' helicopter air stations is on Camp Pendlton. On any given day you can see AH-1W Super Cobras, UH-1N Hueys, CH-46E Sea Knights, and/or CH-53 Sea Stallions flying overhead.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

not feeling so great, but still having a blast...

Well, we won Initial Drill!!! But it seems like almost everyday we make Senior mad in some way or another.
Went on the Slide for Life* today!! That was fun!!
I'm still sick with a cough, headache, stuffy nose, sore throat and I think I might be having chills(?). I certainly don't want all that trash up at Pendleton, so I'm going to medical tomorrow. Praying that I won't get bedrest or light duty.
Well, this being swim week, I'm sure you all want to know how I'm doing. I qualified CWS-3* so far. Am hoping I can get back into the pool tomorrow. I mean Thursday but we'll see.

* Requires recruits to climb a 30-foot diving tower and then, on their belly, crawl/slide head first down a 45-foot cable stretched across the length of a swimming pool. Half way down, a Drill Instructor orders him to hang by his hands and face the end of the pool. From there, the recruit kicks his legs up to catch the cable, and works his way feet first to the end. Many recruits lose their grip and fall into the pool.
* CWS - Combat Water Survival -- There are four level of Combat Water Survival. CWS-4, is the most basic. Very few pass CWS-1 during boot camp.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

this is too much fun....

Been busy with preparations for Initial Drill, so I haven't been writing much obviously.
Got IT'd* for no particular reason as far as I can tell. We were in a school circle listening to SSgt Zamora make a few changes to rifle drill manual and I'm standing at the POA* on the outside of the circle and SSgt Boswell stops behind me and quietly whispers "eyeballs". Not sure if he is talking to me or not, I don't move. He repeats himself two more times, so I turn my head and say "click". He says "go get some IT you", so I respond "aye, aye sir" and take off. Now as far as I know, there was no reason for it; but, oh well, it was still fun!!
9 weeks left!!! Can't wait!
I'm thinking that 2nd phase will be fun 'cause it will mostly be grunt stuff.
Looking forward to swim week and most definitely 3rd phase and Marine Week!!
I think whatever sickness I've got is starting to go away because I'm coughing less and breathing better.
Chow is still good. Drill is fun when we do it right and other than the SDI* inspection tomorrow and Initial Drill, there ain't too much to worry about.
Our drill seems to be better than it was, we just need to get rid of the id 10 t's*.
Got my military ID yesterday, not that I'll get to use it for a while.
Flat Bob*, so far, has gone everywhere except the shower. It even went on a PT* session in my shoe and it even escaped SSgt SanSoucies "pat down" for an IT session!!! So, I think I can get away with taking him almost everywhere!! So, thanks Joshie!! and mommy
PS - I never thought 75 degrees could feel cold

* IT - Incentive Training - physical exercise used as a punishment to instill motivation
* position of attention
* SDI - Senior Drill Instructor
* id 10 t - idiot
* Flat Bob - A 4" camo guy drawn by Joshua and laminated, sent to accompany Caleb in his adventures as a Marine
* PT - Physical Training

Saturday, August 1, 2009

looking ahead...

We got our guidon unfurled again But no doubt that will change.
As I'm sure you know, Initial Drill* is coming up. Well, today we had an evaluation by the Series Chief Drill Instructor and subsequently got kicked off of the parade deck before we got finished with the stationary movements (it's the marching/moving that we are better at) and surprisingly the SDI didn't seem too upset and we didn't get ITed. Which was very surprising!!!
Swim Week is next week, I think? So that will be fun and we also get to do the Confidence Course!!! By the way, the Obstacle Course was lots of fun!!!
In the 10th week of training, they will post pictures online at On that Friday at 1700 of the 10th week.

* the first drill competition between all 7 platoons