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Friday, September 25, 2009

the end is in sight....

Doing well. Pneumonia came back; but, oh well.
We had Final Drill and Final PFT this week. Took 6th in drill (not totally our fault) and 1st or 2nd in Final PFT (currently being argued over!). So, we still have a good chance to take honor platoon. Oh yeah, I forgot about Prac (practical knowledge tests). Took 6th.
Anyways, while you all are down here:
For the BBQ, burgers most definitely!!
Then for places to eat: In and Out, Cheesecake Factory, Dominoes, Crispy Creme's, Claim Jumpers, and some place called BJ's. Those are requests, not needs. Of course, I'll want some of my favorite BBQ chips!
When I'm home, at least a full day of doing whatever the boys want to do (within reason).
I forgot to put down what I got on the PFT. 18 pull-ups, 104 crunches, 18:51 on the 3-mile run.
Hard to believe only 2 weeks left!!! And only 6 days 'til I get that Eagle, Globe and Anchor! Seems like only yesterday it was 30 or so days.
Probably won't have time to write any letters 'til Marine Week and by then it would almost be pointless, but we'll see.
Well, don't have much more to say besides, see you all soon and thank you for all the prayers.

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