Well it's been quite awhile since the last post, 2 months or so. In that time I've started my follow on training at School of Infantry located at Camp Pendleton, California.
So here follows a brief story, during boot camp I denied 1 week of recruiter's assistance, and went straight to SOI.
When I got there I found out that the only Company picking up was for non-Infantry Marines known as MCT (Marine Combat Training) where they learn basic combat skills before going to their job school.
ITB (Infantry Traing Battalion) it turns out only picks up every other week and I fell in between weeks.
So I got put in SAC (Student Administration Company) which is for Marines who are missing things like medical/dental records, military glasses, military I.D. and any other random things, it's also for Marines who have completed MCT and are waiting for an opening in their job school, or goofballs like me and some recon Parris Islanders (from the east coast boot camp) who get there at the wrong time.
While you're there all you have to do is either get into trouble or go on working partys all day, I spent 3 weeks there before getting picked up with Bravo Company where I'm at currently.
We spent the first 5 weeks learning basic infantry skills (much like MCT) which is everything from combat marksmanship with the M16A4, Hand Grenades, the M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), M240B (Medium Machine Gun), AT4 (Rocket Launcher) M203 (Grenade Launcher), and about a million classes on everything from Offensive Fundamentals, to Vehicle Operations and Radio Fundamentals.
And that is a very brief overview of most of the last 2 months, hopefully more to follow later?!?!?
Use the Blog Archive section in the right sidebar to navigate the posts, if you need to catch up or read a post that was posted out of order, because we don't always receive the letters in order. ;-)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Family Day...
Friday, September 25, 2009
the end is in sight....
Doing well. Pneumonia came back; but, oh well.
We had Final Drill and Final PFT this week. Took 6th in drill (not totally our fault) and 1st or 2nd in Final PFT (currently being argued over!). So, we still have a good chance to take honor platoon. Oh yeah, I forgot about Prac (practical knowledge tests). Took 6th.
Anyways, while you all are down here:
For the BBQ, burgers most definitely!!
Then for places to eat: In and Out, Cheesecake Factory, Dominoes, Crispy Creme's, Claim Jumpers, and some place called BJ's. Those are requests, not needs. Of course, I'll want some of my favorite BBQ chips!![]()
When I'm home, at least a full day of doing whatever the boys want to do (within reason).![]()
I forgot to put down what I got on the PFT. 18 pull-ups, 104 crunches, 18:51 on the 3-mile run.
Hard to believe only 2 weeks left!!! And only 6 days 'til I get that Eagle, Globe and Anchor! Seems like only yesterday it was 30 or so days.
Probably won't have time to write any letters 'til Marine Week and by then it would almost be pointless, but we'll see.
Well, don't have much more to say besides, see you all soon and thank you for all the prayers.
Platoon Video.....
We got our first 'GLIMPSE' of Caleb today!
I don't know which day they actually do this video during training, but it's usually posted the Friday of the 10th week (2wks before graduation), so today was the day it got posted!
Caleb is the 2nd row from the top and the 5th in from the left!
Click here for the page to the Platoon Videos for India Co, for a larger video. (Caleb is in platoon 3210.)
If they've already updated the page with the new platoon videos you might be able to use this direct link to the video.
We were able to get the following pictures off the video!

I don't know which day they actually do this video during training, but it's usually posted the Friday of the 10th week (2wks before graduation), so today was the day it got posted!
Caleb is the 2nd row from the top and the 5th in from the left!
Click here for the page to the Platoon Videos for India Co, for a larger video. (Caleb is in platoon 3210.)
If they've already updated the page with the new platoon videos you might be able to use this direct link to the video.
We were able to get the following pictures off the video!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
in the home stretch...
Time has been flying by. Seems like a few days ago it was 090909! and now it's all of 2 1/2 weeks till graduation!!
Finally got to do pugil sticks!!!
Of course I won "butt stroke, slash"!
Inventory PFT
I got 17 pull-ups again, 116 crunches and an 18:03 3 mile runBut it's still one of the fastest times in the company.
Also ran the CFT.
Got 2:34 in the 880yd run. 106 Ammo Can Lifts and 2:14 on the Maneuver Under Fire portion (missed the grenade toss).
Well, I think that's all the stuff I have done.
Coming up tomorrow is Final Drill and Tuesday is the Knowledge tests. Also, Final PFT is coming up. Other than that (and The Crucible), we are pretty much done!
So now, I'd like to make a request. Goodies for Family Day!! Homemade goodies!! For me and a few buddies!!!
Well, got to go. Thanks for the prayers.
P.S. Health-wise, I'm doing much better!! Just the occasional cough.
Can't wait to see you all soon!!![]()
Saturday, September 12, 2009
food... mail... food... health report... food... see a pattern?...
Howdy all!!
The story on the music cards, is no story on the music cards.* Other than Drill Instructor SSgt Zamora doesn't like musical cards (he'll just listen to them and give them back) and all the stickers haven't done anything either.But I'm not saying to send anything crazy.
On another note, I've "rediscovered" the PB and J!! and I've started eating the oatmeal, grits and Cream of Wheat in the mornings (with peanut butter of course). Other than that, standard fare is eggs, sausage, hash-browns and either waffles, pancakes or french toast and half a PBJ with chocolate milk and mixed fruit for breakfast. Lunch is generally spaghetti, chicken fried steak, fish patties, or some kind of bean dish with rice or mashed potatoes. Sometimes french fries and onion rings, with an apple. Also veggies or something similar (carrots, peas, corn, corn and butter beans or some nasty kind of bean, green beans - disgusting. Also eaten cabbage or some nasty thing like that) and for "dessert" a whole PB and J!! And to drink, red Powerade and orange juice mix or apple juice, and dinner is very similar to lunch. So I've been eating well. Still weigh 160lbs
Well, time to get on line. Love you all. Thanks for the prayers.
P.S. My pneumonia is purty much gone, but Drill Instructor SSgt Boswell gave me the nickname of "Pinky" 'cause I've got Pink Eye in one eye. But that's going away, so health-wise, I'm doing really well right now!!!
Love you all
* Every envelope from our house is decorated with plenty of stickers and we've sent quite a few musical cards!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
part of a letter to his best friend and former CO in NJROTC.....
...Things are going well here. Time is flying by. Can't believe only 4 1/2 weeks left!!! Working on our drill for Final Drill, which is next Monday, and if we can tighten it all up, we are almost guaranteed to win! Biggest difference between "our" drill and drill here is the 4th squad thing, not to mention each squad is 18 or so long!!! There is a little "extra" trash thrown in, but mostly all the same as it was at home.
While on that subject, how are you liking being away from home? I'm liking it, except for all them Drill Instructors running aroundBut when I get into the fleet, that problem will be solved
Anyways, doing lots of fun stuff, i.e. rifle range, assault courses, "hiking", drill, but the best things would have to be food and sleep!!!
But I've got to go... Out.
Howard, Caleb O
Executive Officer
Shelton High School NJROTC (fired)
aka Soon to be PFC Howard USMC
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