Use the Blog Archive section in the right sidebar to navigate the posts, if you need to catch up or read a post that was posted out of order, because we don't always receive the letters in order. ;-)

Friday, July 31, 2009

coming together?

I'm sure you all are doing fine!!! You all may have the heat, but we have the humidity But it's all good!!
We went and got our guidon rolled up due to lacks in discipline, volume, lousy drill, and a slight lack of respect. But it seems that today, maybe, something in our platoon clicked!!! This afternoon our drill improved vastly and our volume increased!!! We'll see if that lasts?
Two days from now, training that is stopped because of the "green flag"* will no longer affect our outdoor activities, which is a good and a bad thing.
I got my first IT this morning for being one of the last ones out of the head. It wasn't too bad and I felt purty good afterward.
My cold, or whatever it is, seems to be getting better!!!
Just had mail call and lucky for us, it cools down pretty well in the evenings!!

* heavy physical outdoor activities are stopped until the recruits adjust to the climate

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

new Drill Instructor...

Am still doing well
Forgot to tell you I had to go to the dentist and, actually, it was a lot better than I thought it would be!! It was almost as nice as my old dentist!
Yesterday we got our 4th DI. SSgt SanSoucie. He's good for the platoon. Very active, running back and forth while we are marching correcting people, and ITing people who need it!! HA HA LOL But it's all good (just as long as it's not me)
We get to start MCMAP* and pugil sticks this week!!! And swim week is coming!! Yay

* Marine Corps Martial Arts Program

Sunday, July 26, 2009

my Drill Instructors are...

Well, our first training week is over. So far our drill is supposedly really good, at least that's what the Drill Instructors say. Our lack of ability to stand at the POA* and shut-up is very pronounced though. The funny thing is, we have hardly been ITed*; but I'm sure that will change. The worst we've had is running around the squadbay throwing stuff in piles and a platoon ITing. Other than that, only a few people have been "smoked".
Our SDI is awesome!! Although I think just a little too nice. But he was on the Silent Drill Platoon, then infantry and lat-moved to artillery. SSgt Zamora, the next down, so far talks big about ITing us all, but so far hasn't made us do anything. Our JDI* is SSgt Boswell. He's purty darn funny and is taller than me. Zamora is really short and looks fat, but somehow I doubt it's fat and he's the strict one! Booker (the SDI) is a little shorter than me and has a good sense of humor!!
Well we are getting ready for Initial Drill with every intention of winning!!
PS - about 10-15 people coughing. I, so far, just have a sore throat. But am still doing well!!

* position of attention
* IT - Incentive Training - physical exercise used as a punishment to instill motivation
* JDI - Junior Drill Instructor

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

a REAL letter... and it's 3 pages long!!!

Well! What a three days it has been.
First off there was a whole lot less yelling than I thought. But we are in for that on Friday (which should be last week to you) when we get picked up by our training platoon, 'cause our receiving platoon seems to be the shabbiest out of all of them.
We have just under 130 recruits in our platoon. About 40 of which will be chopped to another platoon. Our receiving DI* is SSgt Hlodan. He's pretty good to go, just likes his dirty language. I actually got all my utes* in small long!! But my PT* shorts are large, but luckily they still fit.
First day was partial uniform issue. Second day, which kinda blended in to the first day, was more paperwork, rest of uniform issue, visited medical for eyes and blood. I and a few others got ears the next day, hit the dentist for x-rays, third day has been medical again for shots, which weren't too bad and got our running shoes !!!! Yay!!! Turned in our civilian gear.
Worst thing so far has been all the standing then sitting for long periods.
Tuesday night right after lights out, somebody fell out of their rack and hit headfirst. They took him to medical. I can only assume he will get dropped, but I'm quite sure he's gonna to be fine!
Meals are fast! It's just shovel as fast as possible!! Otherwise, it's all been pretty fun.

* utility uniform - their digital camouflage uniform
* DI - Drill Instructor
* PT - Physical Training

OK... now that I have a slight clue what the heck we are doing!!! the chow is purty darn good!! and now we have time to eat!
Our platoon has 88 recruits. SDI* is GySgt Booker, DIs are SSgts Zamora and Boswell. More about them later.
Drill is coming along semi-well! We have our rifles!!
Well, lots to memorize
Almost time for bed.
PS - I like the church. It's very Christ centered surprisingly!!!

* SDI - Senior Drill Instructor

Church is kinda short-ish. Just a couple songs in the beginning, a 20 min sermon or so, then a last song. But then we go to a different building and do something else for 30-40 min.
Drill is coming along well. I'm very glad I did drill team now!! Biggest changes are the knees come up higher when marching and I have to get used to the new rifle.
Haven't personally, by myself, gotten a thorough screaming at!! But time will tell.
I built a calendar in the back of my knowledge and have a countdown and everything!!! I wouldn't mind if you sent/smuggled me a syllabus. Shhh...
See you all in less than 3 months.

First word!!

At the bottom of the "I have arrived..." form letter:
Am doing well, having fun and keeping my head down =)
See you all in three months!!!!! =)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Send off Dinner